a concept of the good rural

Novation Lab

«Who we are»

The Novation Lab, a concept of the Good Rural, is a community navigator hub that provides business operation incubator support to the community. 

«What we offer»

We want to encourage the innovative power of individuals through a network of highly-curated advisors, therapists and mentors, to be a source of positive interaction, and comprehensive resource,  programming and GED support

«Who We Serve»

We serve legacy and new African American businesses and the community with an interest in innovation and entrepreneurship.

«Inspiration for the Space»

As the inspiration from the African American Early Child Educators, the Novation Lab has been funded by the San Francisco’s Dream Keeper Initiative to give voice to the needs of the legacy African American providers, facilitate dedicated space to cultivate the African American child care industry, support child care providers that care for African American children, and provide educational support and resources to the underserved children and their families as a whole.

The Novation Lab has established funding, partnerships, and collaborations with the San Francisco Human Rights Commission Dream Keeper Initiative, San Francisco Office of Economic Workforce Development, San Francisco Black Led Organization Coalition (SFBLOC), San Francisco MegaBlack, Children’s Council and more to come.

Call us:
Visit Us: 5813 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94112

Novation Lab offers the BIPOC business owners, entrepreneurs, and the community at large resources and support 

© 2023 All rights reserved. A concept of The Good Rural – Funded by The Dream Keeper Initiative 

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