Whether you’re looking to advance your career or attain a new academic status, learning as a group is an excellent choice. And what better way to learn as a group than via a master class or workshop? With the high level of demands in several economic sectors, the need to improve your skill-set is pressing. This is especially necessary if you’re looking to break into unfamiliar turf.

Master classes and workshops are innovative and a great way to acquire more knowledge about a specific niche. There are so many ways you can benefit from joining a workshop or masterclasses

and the Novation Lab is the perfect platform to enroll in.

The Novation Lab will be offering incredible classes and workshops that would be valuable to you regardless of your field of expertise.

Some of the classes offered by the Novation Lab are;

Job Readiness

Prepping for a new job can be difficult and sometimes overwhelming. Navigating the necessary skills you need to excel at a specific role is crucial to meeting your employer’s expectations and securing a job. The Novation Lab has provided a comprehensive plan that would help you in your job search.

This class entails training that covers skills such as;

  • Job search 
  • Proper dress code for success
  • Tips for acing an interview
  • Developing your resume
  • Customer Service development
  • Team Building

There is so much more that you will learn when you take this class.


Financial responsibility is an important part of building any brand successfully. Whether you’re running a small business or already own a successful one, learning adequate bookkeeping skills is essential. So, if you’re looking to be a professional bookkeeper, Novation Lab offers excellent masterclasses to help you reach your goals.

Here you will find courses such as;

  •  Rules of recording transactions
  • Concepts of Accounting
  • How to prepare a balance sheet
  • Inventory Accounting
  • Calculating bad debts
  • Bank reconciliation and so much more

Small businesses can also benefit from these workshops and masterclasses. So, if you’re looking to start and grow your business, you can sign up for free!

Novation Lab will also partner with Grow With Google and Children’s Council; these programs offer free courses to help you improve your skills for your career. Both programs will make access to information and resources easier and as such help in providing you with detailed courses.

Here’s why you should sign up for the Novation Lab masterclasses and workshops;

  • It’s Free: Signing up will cost you nothing and takes a few minutes to complete. Simply log in to the website, choose your preferred masterclass, and sign up for it.
  • Expert Guidance: There’s nothing better than getting tutored by experts in your field. Novation Lab has brought on some of the best teachers who are ready to work with you all through your class. 
  • Accountability: The workshops are all interactive and require you to participate. Considering you have to work with other individuals, it will help you pay more attention to your workload and learn better.
  • Personalized Tutoring: You also get the opportunity to ask questions, get expert answers, and create a peer-mentor relationship. This will help you get a personalized experience in each class.

With a relevant work schedule, talented experts, and like-minded students, you will find the perfect masterclass or workshop for you.

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Visit Us: 5813 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94112

Novation Lab offers the BIPOC business owners, entrepreneurs, and the community at large resources and support 

© 2023 All rights reserved. A concept of The Good Rural – Funded by The Dream Keeper Initiative 

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